The story so far...
The graphics card showed up.
(A day early, I might add)
I installed everything and did my best not to get my hopes up, which was the right move, as upon the activation of my PC, I discovered that it would only boot to the BIOS.
Over and over again.
This told me that it was, in fact, NOT the graphics card that was the problem. As upsetting as that realization was, it did get me to upgrade my graphics card, which needed an upgrade anyway. And considering that I managed to snag a $500+ graphics card for about $360 I feel like that played out pretty well!
Yo, shout out to the fucking liar on some tech forum that said it was the graphics card! ("Solved" my ass...)
So, if it wasn't the graphics card, then what was it?
Well, after hours of searching, salvation would come in the form of a YouTube Short, that had barely any views, displaying my exact problem. After sifting through the comments, all begging for a reason why this was happening, I found one that had a response, with an answer and several people confirming.
The SSD (Solid State Drive) had failed.
Something infinitely worse than the graphics card failing.
See, if it had just been the graphics card that would have been fine. It would have been a simple matter of replacing a part. But, that SSD had my data on it. And if that's gone I'll be so fucking upset...
I don't even care about the majority of the data on it. If I lost the projects I was working on, that'd be very upsetting. But, if there's one thing, above all else, that would tear me apart if I lost it, it would be my Color Palette that I've spent half a year building.
But it's not all bad!
For starters, the SSD failing came at a pretty good time! Considering that one with more space is (or was) on sale!
So that's nice!
Second, I have enough sense to have an external hard drive to back things up on. It was set on a weekly schedule to back up files, but knowing Windows it might not have done this, so I don't have my hopes up... However, I might be able to salvage some of the data from the old SSD! I just have to figure out how to do so.
Finally, there's this!
The last thing I worked on before all this happened! While it doesn't contain the entirety of my Color Palette, I might be able to backwards engineer it in the event that I can't retrieve the file containing it!
I'm just lucky that I bothered to ask my sister her opinion on it! (Even though she never give me said opinion and instead opted to send me dozens of pictures of my dog nephew...)
So, that's where things are at!
To anyone who bothered to read this, I hope things are going better for you than they are for me!