So It's That Time Of The Year Again, Huh?
Well, Sit Right Down And Let Me Reassert Somethin', Till Ya Know It True.
I Really Don't Get It.
All these people scrambling to find someone to "Love" them, is Quite Embarrassing to see...
Some of ya should have a bit more Dignity about ya...
Truthfully, most people I've seen Talk about this kind of thing, aren't really looking for someone to Love, more so, just someone to Fit A Role.
I think Media puts a bit too much pressure on someone to find that person that will "Complete Them", rather than instructing them on what to do to Complete Themselves and then see who wants to be along for the ride.
Just Two Complete People Living Their Lives Together.
I Don't Know About You, But That Sounds Perfect To Me~!
Now, I'm Not Here To Mock You, Or Anything.
I just wish that people would stop putting others on Pedestals and Burdening them with Expectations to Fill In Holes in otherwise Lackluster Personalities.
I Said It Last Year, I'll Say It Again.
How Can You Expect Anyone To Care About You If You Can't Even Care About Yourself?
Do you know how many people I've seen, who when asked about their "Significant Other", can't tell me the FIRST THING about them?
It's Genuinely Saddening.
(On Both Sides, Of Course...)
But, Just Like Last Year, I'm Not Here To Kick Ya While You're Down.
I'm Just Hoping That People Think A Bit More About Themselves, Before They Seek Someone Out.
So, Even Though I've Been Very Busy, I'll Throw Some Things To Think About Your Way~...!
Why Are You Seeking Out Someone?
Are you really seeking someone to be along for the ride, or are you simply seeking a Miracle? While I won't claim that Miracles don't happen, that's A LOT to put on another person. If you're Drowning, what's to say that you won't take them Down With You (as is known to happen)?
Don't Forget: They have Their Own Life, and Their Own Problems. It's Not All About You!
I Think It Best To Learn To Swim, Before You Navigate Those Seas~!
Someone Caught Your Eye? And Ya Can't Truly Live Till You Have Them?
I know this will sound Hypocritical, but what makes you So Sure it's them? Don't forget, the Relationships you have with the people around you, are the result of the Effort you both put in to Know One Another. There's Absolutely No Shame in workin' with someone and then taking a step back to see what you've got, HAHAHA~! Sure, what ya got might not be "Love", but there are Plenty Of Beautiful Things Out There, if ya just take the time to look. And hey, maybe you might never see "Love", But There's Absolutely No Harm In Growin' Many A Beautiful Thing~...!
There Is No "Love At First Sight."
Only The Result Of Hard Work!
Ya Got Some Kinda Checklist?
"I gotta meet them while I'm still on my Road To Success, so they can share in the Glory! Not to mention Children! And yada, yada, yada..."
Now, I'm not gonna lie to you. Different People, Have Different Goals. And Some Of Those Goals Can Only Be Attainable At Certain Times In A Person's Life. And while I could drag this on further, I think I'll share a Story instead~...
Believe It Or No, I once knew of an Old Man and an Old Woman, both at their Respective Ends of their Journeys In Life. Both only having met a year prior. But between them, they saw Something, and Began Going Out~! When One Day, The Ol' Dog, Did A Little Jig, Popped A Ring, And Said, "Hey, Doll, Won't Ch'a Marry Me?!" (Or So I Was Told... I'm a bit Spiteful at the fact that I was not there to see it myself! It would have been Absolutely Adorable to witness~...!) While I Can't Claim They Lacked The Vigorousness Of Youth, All They Could Really Offer Each Other, Was One Another's Company.
While I Can't Speak For You, That Sounds Like Love To Me.
It Can Happen At Any Time~!
Don't Rush Things~!
So, If You're Looking For That Nebulous Thing Called "Love", DON'T SWEAT IT! WORK ON YOURSELF! BECOME SOMEONE WORTH LOVING!
So Take Care Of Yourself, Alright~?
Keep Your Chin Up!
We're All In This Together, After All~!