
757 Art Reviews

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Is this the first time you've used that little emblem/signature in the corner? It looks pretty rad!

The rest of the illustration is good, too, I guess. Hahaha!

Certly responds:

I used it on the bike one too, I don't think I've done a personal piece since then T_T

Happ Birth, Foolish Young Person™.

Yo, someone took this man and covered his knuckles in soup! Why they do it to him? <:[

Beatumpop responds:

it got everywhere too! :(

I don't understand. Why do they call it Fools Forest? I've been stomping around these parts all day, and I ain't see not one single Fool except for that guy. I don't get it. I was promised Fools. Where are the Fools? What's going on here?

Mister-Fool responds:

Hmm maybe you have seen a Fool… and just haven’t realised

Are we slug or are we dancer?

Morning? As in the time of day or the process of grieving?

Now listen... I know that the word is "Mourning" not "Morning" (Google told me). But it's the only way that the joke works.

Please. I need this...

PephyBoi responds:

As in "Time of Day" my dude :)

It's one thing to be cynical, but it's another thing to be insincere. I think that's where YIIK falls apart for me. See, if YIIK simply was a bad game but had heart, I think people would be able to appreciate it. But it just simply doesn't.

If I recall correctly, Alex is supposed to represent the average gamer, and the game wants you, the player, to admit that. The game wants you to say, "Why yes, I AM an asshole. Thank you for pointing this out to me!" Which, in my opinion, just makes me think the creator's an asshole who can't open himself up to the notion that some people aren't. And I think that the game's failure might have reinforced such a mindset, but I wouldn't really know. I'm just making a blind assumption about someone I've never met and would probably never want to meet.

I know she can't be upgraded further, but if she could, would she give you subpar potato salad?

Dude, come on. You knew someone had to ask. And I had to make sure that someone was me. >:[

Please name her Yuurmom of Uddrince

Why he so blue?

PephyBoi responds:

Cuz 2022 is Blueberry flavored..

A person just like you. In every way, even.


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