
757 Art Reviews

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What's up with Ellyson's legs?

hpargonohp responds:

She was designed to have digitigrade legs that taper off into sharp points.
Looking at them apparently lets you get a glimpse of space, too.

Some lemon and baking soda will clean that right up.

What? Apocalypse? Dude, this is everyday for me.

I never thought I'd see an art piece that could only be marked with a 5 or a 0.

That's one of the raddest dinosaurs I've ever seen! But, if he tells me not to do drugs, I'm going to call him a liar! There's NO WHY that you get that cool and have not done at least one drug! And if he starts rappin'...then I'll know that he's just another corporate sellout.

fart-creator responds:

he is going to rap about the bible

That's a modern day RPG party right there.

Well, despite your request, I looked it up anyway and wouldn't you know it's a real thing!
But for some reason, when I click on the link to get more information, it just leads me back here. Most unusual...

BatbugDoodles responds:

I have been dubbed by the internet as the official curator of tentacle tapir knowledge.

This took me a second. Well done.

Also, I like that big lipped Pooch. It reminds me of Poochy, from Yoshi's Island.

Ouchihitme responds:

Ye, Buu got them poochy vibes, i wanted it that way, thanks for noticing that and the reference.

NO! I need them for Minecraft! ...or Astrology! ...or whatever the hell you use orbs for!

vidyazilla responds:

She needs them.

Well, of course! Who wouldn't want to show off a cool jacket like that? But the real question remains. Is there an adorable and/or cool hood that goes with it?

Also, what exactly is she made out of? Tar? Oil? Dinosaur Bones?

OneGrumpyLumpy responds:

Sadly no, but I can always change my mind and say that she does and it's just been consumed by the goop.
Also she's just made of some mysterious black goop

A person just like you. In every way, even.


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