Pretty nice Cheep-cheep. Every time I think about them, I can't help but feel that they're underrated.
Pretty nice Cheep-cheep. Every time I think about them, I can't help but feel that they're underrated.
I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but I really like how his horns could also double for his eyebrows. It's an interesting idea.
Prickly Pals.
Whom neither of which belong on a pizza.
Yeah, I'll be that jerk that brings up the pizza thing every time they see a pineapple. My opinion is superior. You cannot convince me otherwise.
I want to tell you that you misspelled gaze, but I like it better this way.
Drawn entirely with your fingers, huh?
Well, you know what that means.
This one's going right up on the fridge!
Seriously though, this is quite interesting to look at. I especially like how you did the fur on the leg. I'll have to make a note of it.
Thank you very much, I'm really glad you liked it! And yeah, I had a lot of fun making the fur, it felt super satisfying.
Good luck, Metlan-chan!
Just remember to be careful. One wrong move and you could wind up in a wacky anime plot line.
I couldn't stand to see another young person taken down one of those awkward and over exaggerated paths again. I don't think my heart could take it...
Oh, wow... You took the wind right out of my sails. The second I saw this in my feed, I was going to conjure up a ramble about dancing to achieve enlightenment, only to find that you had already done so. And in a single sentence, no less. How could you do this to me?
Bro, tech is the future. We all must pray to our cybernetic overlords.
I think you're the second person I follow that's made something that relates to dreams and gas stations. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever once dreamt about a gas station. At the very least, I think that would be better than the literal existential nightmares I have. Let me share some with you.
You enter a dark room with tables and chairs in it. You notice the light to your left. They're people over in the next room, so you make your way over there. But, the second you cross the threshold, not only are you right back where you started, you notice there's a few differences as well. The room has gotten darker, an additional room has been added, between you and the other people and more tables and chairs have been added. So, you make your way through, you cross the threshold, and again, you're right back where you started. Now it's getting hard to see, so you end up bumping into a lot of the chairs and tables. The people, now three rooms away, don't seem to notice or care. Eventually, it gets to a point where the other room is just a faint light in the distance. You can't see anything, and you're bumping into nothing but chairs and tables. I think the worst part is that in the dream, you really think that you have a chance to make it to that other room when you never will.
In another dream, you're having a good time and decide to turn on the radio. And everything's fine until the radio starts chanting. You try to turn it off, but it only gets louder. Seeing as that doesn't work, you try leaving instead, only to find yourself stuck in the room with a radio that just keeps getting louder. Eventually, it gets so loud that you feel like your head is going to explode. You try covering your ears, but it makes no difference. Soon, you fall to the ground. Left with no options and the ever increasing volume of the radio, you start screaming. But you find that your screens have been completely drowned out by the radio. It's as if you never made a noise.
With all that said, I love the top section of this piece. A wonderful idea to blend the structure with the negative space. I would give a critique on the lighting, but I don't feel like it would be appropriate for me to do so, seeing as I don't feel like I have a good understanding of lighting to give any kind of appropriate critique. But if I had to give my thoughts, I'd say you did a good job there. If there's one thing I felt you should have done, it's that the side of the gas pump could have been the same color as the negative space. As it is now, it's close enough to it that you have to look closely to see that there's even a different color there. I think it would have looked fine and a little more visually interesting if you had done that.
All in all, good work.
Thanks man! I took some time to respond but I appreciate the feedback, no worries about whether or not you think you can't properly critique.
I knew the day that I clicked follow, you would never disappoint! And today is further evidence of this!
I absolutely LOVE goofy looking things that could put me in mortal danger! Nothing long-winded to say this time around. Just wanted to let you know I'm in awe at this magnificent doof! Excellent work! I love the eyes in particular.
Aah thank you! :D
At first glance, I thought this was a simple marijuana leaf, and I started to get worried... Worried that you were lame! Anybody can smoke a plant! I can walk outside right now and smoke a bunch of grass clippings. Do you think that would make me look cool? Don't be silly, of course not! It would just give you a green line down your tongue! The Green Mile's what we called it back in high school. But then I noticed it was also a moth, putting my concerns to rest. Smoking bugs is a lot different. You see, in ancient times, entomologists would smoke bugs all the time. In an attempt to understand their simplistically complex minds. And if they were lucky, take some of the bugs spirit, so that they may be blessed by William Kirby. Patron Saint of Bugs!
Now, you can smoke as many moths as you want. It's your life. You can do whatever you want. Just promise me I won't catch ya doing ants. When you start experimenting with ants, it always ends the same... I've seen it one too many times. First, you start with garden-variety picnic ants. Then, you want something more intense and move up to fire ants. Before you know what bit ya, all your furniture is gone, the fridge is empty, you're being evicted in a week, your phone is out of minutes, and all you've got to show for it is a box of bullet ants. The most intense ant known to man. You have no idea what those things will do to you. Had a buddy who did bullet ants once. Didn't see him for weeks. Finally found him in the park. He was surrounded by bags of sugar and stolen picnic baskets. His mind was completely gone. That's when I knew what I had to do... I took off my sandal, and I let him have it! I had to. Someone had to do it. There was no way he was happy like that. I like to think he's in a better place. But let's be real, he sold all his shit for ants. So probably not.
Anyway, it's like I said, you can do whatever you want. I just hope you heed my warning. I worry about you sometimes...
A person just like you. In every way, even.
Joined on 6/16/18