Ya know I've been interested in making low poly stuff for a while now.
Where should a know nothing, such as myself, start?
Ya know I've been interested in making low poly stuff for a while now.
Where should a know nothing, such as myself, start?
I dont really have a good answer for this at the moment but, hopefully I will in the future. I plan on making tutorials for creating low poly assets soon but currently my only suggestion is
1.download applications like Aseprite and Blender
2.get the Pribambase plugin for both of those
3. Go to Models Resource (https://www.models-resource.com/) and find something to practice with (I used Mega Man Legends for character study and Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for studying sets and objects)
Try making your own characters or sets based on the design language in some of the old games you study from.
Im hoping to have in depth tutorials soon though so users new to Aseprite and/or Blender can also get info on how to operate those applications.
Who Dis Guy!? >:[
Yo Yo YO! It's been a minute! Hope all is well!
I see you've been improving while I've been stagnating hahaha!
Can't wait to see all the things you got in the works!
It was rough for a while there drawing with Rhumeitoid Arthritis has been a .. uh challenge.. but I'm on meds now, so this was one of the few pics I was happy to post. Good to see ya, buddy!
"Had to create a self portrait without using a photo of myself for an art project."
So abstract art then?
yeah lol
This... Was REJECTED!?
What kind of snobs do they have over there at Pixel Joint!?
Gate Keepers. They didnt like the reflections despite me working them in a way to where they were only perceived smooth gradients and not actual ones. I didnt even break their color limit.
I'm starting to feel real uncomfortable about that pet rock I had as a kid...
That'll teach ya! >:[
Knowing Lidya, she probably won't get the message and keep following them on their dates
But possums are marsupials :V
she wouldnt know
Yeah, I try not to think about it...
Asking questions that don't have answers and all that...
im happy u found this relateable somehow ( like , im not happy that ur overthinking but u get me)
Put me in that Ball Pitâ„¢ this instant! >:[
I'll think about it
A person just like you. In every way, even.
Joined on 6/16/18