It was your Birthday? Well, Happy Birthday!
It was your Birthday? Well, Happy Birthday!
Thank ya ! ( ╹▽╹ )
Mildew!? I thought she was dead! Got exploded at the end of that one guy's video that I saw!
I know the one. Didn't expect her to sound like an autistic manchild struggling to speak
Yo, you ah... You got a lil' somthin' ah... On your face... Right there...
new facial hair
thousands of years
Makai Kingdom Art!? In this Day & Age™!? Who are you...!?
An old man that played a lot of the weird games in the ps2, and Pram´s #1 fanboy
Isn't the zipper going to chafe against his tail?
That is a good question. He isn't really bothered by it since he lacks any nervous system meaning he won't even feel it rubbing against his tail.
"Gray" >:[
the USA is not the center of the universe
Is this real???
the realest
I think what I like most about this is that I can't get a full picture of it (I'm aware this might just be a me problem). This is no slight. I genuinely mean what I'm saying! No matter how I look at it, I can't get a clear picture. When I try to zoom in or out, I can only catch glimpses of what's depicted, and I feel that only adds to the Sleep Paralysis Demon Vibes I'm getting from this!
Thanks a ton, that was the intent to make it incredibly hard to parse entirely so I'm glad it worked! ( ╹▽╹ )
More like a more famine look!
Those arms don't even look like they got any meat on 'em!
I see what you did there
Don't worry, meat is... somewhere more important
A person just like you. In every way, even.
Joined on 6/16/18