"Would you eat that which has sentience?"
Well, that depends. What flavor?
"Would you eat that which has sentience?"
Well, that depends. What flavor?
The taste of thought!
Finally, I can play dodgeball in color! Thank you for this gift, o gracious Just! You may not think that you've done much, but I assure you there is a world of difference between a game of dodgeball with and without color!
I agree 100% thanks for the comment :D
Ah, Woolly Bears! One of my favorite types of caterpillarâ„¢. (Also known as that weird fuzzy moving candy we used to eat as children. ...Not that I did that or anything...) Did you know that you're apparently supposed to be able to tell how long winter is going to be by examining their fur? I've tried it, I don't think it works.
Yes Ive heard of that legend!
He looks like he's in pain...
he's got an itchy nose
I'm heartbroken to inform you that a hat like that does not exist. I thought surely someone must have made a hat that just simply said "ASS" on it. But alas, I was wrong. There seems to exist no hat that simply says "ASS" on it. You could get a hat that has custom text on it, but let's not fool ourselves. It wouldn't be the same.
So I guess, in the end, you could say... An ass like that does not exist.
I've been wanting a hat like that for a while now, if no one is going to make ass box hats I'll make them myself with my boney hands.
Good taste, man, good taste. Dreamland 3 is such a charming game and has a wonderful art style, but it often gets overshadowed by Super Star. Don't get me wrong, Super Star is a great game, but it's just missing that aesthetic, you know? Sadly, whenever I see somebody talk about Super Star, they needlessly act cruel to Dreamland 3, for whatever reason. Anyway, even if this is an old piece of art, it's still pleasant all the same. The attempt to capture the art style is not lost on me.
Thanks for the review! and yeah I totally agree, I used to play Super Star all the time with my little brother and while it was a really fun game Dreamland 3's aesthetic always made me come back to it. The music in that game is fantastic too :)
Nice redesign! But those shoes... I can't think of a single person who would be caught dead in those except maybe a crazy homeless guy...
Let me guess, this crazy homeless guy is purple, huge, uses his middle fingers as claws and his name is Maxx?
Holy Moly! When I first clicked on this, I thought it was a 3D model! It's only when I looked more closely did I realize it was a charcoal drawing! Astounding work!
Thank you so much!
Just hammin' it up, I see.
Also, I don't mean to take the wind out of your sails, truly I don't, but is its left arm longer than its right? Just thought I'd ask.
Ah don't worry bout it boss, criticism is welcome. I actually saw that too, but I noticed it too late. It had already been hours since I posted it on twitter, so I just said fuck it.
A person just like you. In every way, even.
Joined on 6/16/18